Sunday, April 13, 2008

Need an escort? Call your cell phone

Admittedly, I am one of those college students that absolutely has to be connected at all times. I have an iPhone and use it constantly. However, I agree with the idea that all the gadgets out on the market are encouraging students to be social, not just on their computer. I never have to run back to my room to check my e-mail to check for an e-mail from my boss or from the people I babysit for. If there are any last minute changes in assignments for a class, I can always be on top of it.

Along with staying in contact with important people in my life, my cell phone makes me feel safer. I would definitely rather have a cell phone with a GPS tracking device in it than not have a cell phone at all. In fact, this past weekend I left my cell phone at a friends apartment and I didn't have it for Friday night and all day Saturday. When the people I babysit for asked me to babysit from 8-1030 on Saturday night, I told them I would if they could drive me back to campus afterward. I did not feel comfortable walking back, even though it is just a few blocks from campus, without my cell phone. I also feel much safer with my phone when driving because of the maps application. I know that if I get lost anywhere, I will be able to find my way back. The maps application is starting to be one of those things that I don't know how I ever did without.

While a GPS escort system is a good idea, I wonder how many students will actually use it. I mean, there is no harm to creating it and promoting its use, it might be a waste of money. The expensive to implement the service might outweigh the benefits of its service. But then again, if one life is saved, then it is worth it, right? The expenses I am thinking of is putting the equipment in campus police stations and how many times the call will end up being bogus. Will it really allow police enough time to get to the location? And, it depends on how legitimate the campus police are. Often, the campus police is not a necessarily trusted source of safety (even though they should be). I know that if something happened to me I would call the local police station way before I called campus police.

Although GPS locating can be very scary, I would not give up having my phone and access to the internet. The GPS capabilities can be turned on and off and therefore should only be on if the person is using it at the time. The escort system is a cool idea; I just wonder how useful it will end up being in the long run.

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